Three Questions Tim Sheehy Must Answer About His Shady Business Record

Friday, August 16, 2024



Helena, MT – After breaking reporting revealed that Tim Sheehy lied about his business success, falsely certified his business as “disadvantaged in “seeking to win contracts,” spent the majority of a $160 million Gallatin County bond to pay investors instead of on planes and hangars as intended, and gave himselfa multimillion-dollar bonus while his company lost $77 million, it’s time for Sheehy to come clean about his record. 

Three Questions Sheehy Must Answer:

  1. Can you explain to Montana voters why you falsely certified your company as a “socially disadvantaged business” while looking to win government contracts?

  2. Why did $134 million of your company’s $160 million Gallatin County bond go to paying your top investors (and current campaign donors), when it was marked for funding planes and hangars?

  3. Why did you give yourself a multimillion-dollar bonus, despite your company reporting historic losses, when you previously claimed you wouldn’t get paid if “you don’t balance the budget in your business”?



Out-of-Stater Navigator: Sheehy Dodges Questions While He Lies About His Shady Business Record


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