Putting Montanans First
Listening sessions across the state gave
Democrats the chance to hear from citizens.
Democrats held well-publicized open public meetings in rural Montana to receive input directly from citizens about how their government can better serve them and help create opportunity for their families and businesses.
Top : Rep. Jonathan Windy Boy, Rep. Mary Caferro, Rep. Frank Smith, and Sen. Shannon O’Brien address a question in Fort Peck.
Bottom: An attendee in Red Lodge talks about the importance of continuing Montana's current Medicaid program.
Democracy is about Listening
Montanans deserve the chance to meet their legislators face-to-face to discuss issues important to them, their families, and their communities. We’ll take what we heard - about property taxes, continuing Montana’s current Medicaid program, privacy, and many other issues - and turn those ideas into constructive legislation to help improve the lives of Montanans.
On the Road to Hear from YOU
Democrats held listening sessions in places large and small, zigzagging 12,111 miles across the state. Getting out into communities to listen to folks is part of our effort to get back to the basics of representative democracy:
Putting Montanans First.
In the News:
Montana Dems hold listening session in Belgrade, talk property taxes, gravel pit Laurenz Busch, Bozeman Chronicle
Democracy means listening to people Sen. Pat Flowers and Rep. Mary Caferro, Lee Newspapers
Dems Conducts Listening Tour At Indian Days James Walling, Northern Plains Independent reporter
Democrats Travel to Hear Local Concerns Eleanor Guerrero, Carbon County News Senior reporter
Central Montanans share concerns during Democratic legislative listening tour Will Briggs, Lewistown Argus reporter
Montana Democratic Legislative Listening Tour Comes to Havre Michael Alexander Rodriguez, Hiline Today
Democrats to host Oktoberfest candidate luncheon Brent Leischne, Miles City Star
Hospital directors say Medicaid Expansion crucial to Lake County Kristi Niemeyer, Lake County Leader editor
Democratic legislative listening tour stops in Ronan Beau Biggs, Valley Journal
Montana Candidates Host Listening Tour on Flathead Reservation Liz Dempsey, CharKoosta News
Flathead Residents raise concerns about housing-mental health at listening session hosted by state law makers Kate Heston, Daily Inter Lake
Democrats Listening Tour Prioritizes Hearing from Citizens, Whitefish Pilot
Montana Democrats Listening Tour, Mary Caferro, Ravalli Republic
“You have a voice and may actually be the person who can get an idea started and help make a change for the future.”