WHAT MONTANANS ARE SAYING: Tim Sheehy Won’t Protect Our Public Lands

Thursday, August 15, 2024


“Tim Sheehy supports putting our public lands up for sale, he would probably love to add a few new properties to his hobby ranch, ski lodge, and lakefront mansion.”

Helena, MT – Montanans are tired of multimillionaire out-of-stater Tim Sheehy’s lies about protecting public lands, and know they can’t trust him to fight for Montana.

Montanans make it clear they don’t want Sheehy in the Senate because he “supports putting our public lands up for sale,” and are done with “his lying masquerade as a self made man who pulled himself up by his boot straps.”

Read more below:

Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Opening up public lands to developers will mostly help the rich
August 2, 2024
David Chadwick

  • Last month, the national Republican Party approved a 2024 platform that includes a proposal that is divisive and deeply offensive to Montanans: selling off public lands. Under the laughable guise of addressing housing prices, the platform brazenly calls for opening up public land to private real estate developers. The Republicans are saying the quiet part out loud about their plans for our public lands.

  • Everyone knows that selling off public land won’t do a thing for affordable housing. What it will do is let the super-rich build luxury vacation homes in beautiful places, which will close off public access and aggravate sprawl in areas that are most susceptible to wildfires.

  • Of course, it is no surprise anyone that candidate Tim Sheehy supports putting our public lands up for sale, he would probably love to add a few new properties to his hobby ranch, ski lodge, and lakefront mansion.

  • Poll after poll show that voters from every end of the political spectrum overwhelmingly oppose selling off public lands. So why are the Republicans pushing for such a crazy idea now? This November, Montanans need to ask themselves if they are voting for someone who will sell off our public lands or someone who will stand up for our Montana values.

Billings Gazette: Sheehy isn't being straight with voters
August 11, 2024 
Terry Hanson

  • Does anybody buy this from a privileged person who grew up in a palatial home in the suburbs of Minneapolis and whose parents paid for his education in a private school, including $35,000 for his senior year? He wants us to believe that he founded this aerial fire company, requiring multiple large airplanes, on his and his wife’s savings from military paychecks and a monthly VA disability check. I don’t care about his family money, but his lying masquerade as a self made man who pulled himself up by his boot straps is pathetic.

Billings Gazette: Project 2025 would sell off Montana's public lands
August 4, 2024
Jack Winkle

  • One of the main features is the selling off of our public lands. This would imperil a lot of our hunting, fishing and off-road recreating areas that we love. These lands would be up for grabs by industry, the wealthy and investors. Lately this foundation has stated that the selling off of these lands could solve our housing crisis. But would it solve the affordability issue? Not very likely. We already have 15.4 million vacant homes in this country that home owners, investors and corporations are waiting for higher prices and are sitting on them.

  • How does Tim Sheehy and the rest of our state Republicans think of this? Sheehy says he is for public lands to stay public but what does junior Sen. Daines say? He is the one telling Sheehy what to think and what to say. Daines' own boss and business associate Gov. Gianforte has had run-ins with state agencies from excluding Montanans from accessing public land close to his home. And he was wrong.



Three Questions Tim Sheehy Must Answer About His Shady Business Record


NBC News: Tim Sheehy Falsely Certified His Company as “Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Business” to Seek Contracts