Daines Takes Credit for Hospital and Testing Funding After Pushing for PPP Bill With Neither
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Daines Takes Credit for Hospital and Testing Funding After Pushing for PPP Bill With Neither
Helena, MT – Steve Daines is once again taking credit for relief measures he opposed, touting his role in securing additional funding for hospitals and COVID-19 tests, despite having pushed for a package that addressed neither. While Daines is running ads boasting about his role in taking on the coronavirus, he supported legislation without any funding to both increase testing capacity and support struggling hospitals across the country and in Montana.
Daines has been busy fighting hard for corporate America, voting for an amendment that would have capped unemployment benefits for out-of-work Montanans, while at the same time supporting a $500 billion corporate slush fund without adequate oversight. Daines and Senate Republicans also slipped a massive tax giveaway for millionaires into the must-pass legislation, but failed to speak out for rural hospitals across the country and in Montana that have struggled to stay afloat.
“Steve Daines is continuing to brag about measures he’s opposed, as he shamelessly works to cover his record of fighting for large corporations and the wealthy, not working Montanans,” said MDP Executive Director Sandi Luckey. “Montana’s health care workers on the front lines deserve a Senator who will actually fight to get them what they need, not just take credit.