WHAT MONTANANS ARE SAYING: Tim Sheehy Won’t Stand Up for Montana Values

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Tim Sheehy “has no experience,” can’t be trusted, and won’t respect Montana values

Helena, MT – Montanans are making it clear: Transplant Tim Sheehy doesn’t represent them and their values. 

Montanans are asking whether multimillionaire Sheehy can truly represent Montana when he was “born with a silver spoon in his mouth in Minnesota,” he “wants to close public lands and start charging fees,” he resigned as CEO after “his company had $77 million in losses last year,” he is “not running things for regular Montanans,” and he is a “faux cowboy.”

Read more below:

Billings Gazette: Sheehy has no experience
July 28, 2024 
Jane Van Dyk

  • In November, Montana voters will choose between Sen. Jon Tester, a farmer and Montana native, and his challenger, Tim Sheehy, a newcomer to Montana and to politics, being a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth in Minnesota. 

  • What I don’t like about Tim Sheehy is his newcomer status, his lack of political experience, his fluid stories about being wounded in combat — no record? His abrupt departure as CEO from his company amidst allegations that the company is flirting with financial disaster.

  • I’m tired of the uber-wealthy moving into Montana and thinking they can buy their way into anything.

Billings Gazette: New residents should respect Montana values
July 24, 2024 
Robert Dalton

  • As a Montanan, I want to outline some thoughts and concerns about the changes to our beloved state. Montana has always been a place of kindness, respect, and simplicity, where actions were driven by what was right rather than by financial gain. However, the influx of people from states like California, Arizona, New York and Michigan has begun to alter the very essence of our community.

  • Take Tim Sheehy, for example, who wants to close public lands and start charging fees. Thirty years ago, ranchers allowed friends and others to hunt on their lands out of goodwill.

  • Today we see out-of-state companies managing properties with rules that don’t fit Montana’s values. These companies enforce regulations that are often unreasonable, and when questioned they act as if they have absolute authority over our lives. Some even resort to lies.

  • It’s time for Montanans and those who cherish our state to stand up and say, “Adapt to Montana’s ways or get out.” We must protect our culture and values.

Billings Gazette: Can't trust Sheehy
July 21, 2024
John Smillie

  • Tim Sheehy likes to talk a big game about how successful his company, Bridger Aerospace, is and how much it’s done for Montana — so why did he just resign as CEO?

  • It turns out his company had $77 million in losses last year, he’s getting sued by his former employees, and Bridger Aerospace’s’s stock just hit all-time lows. So resigning now doesn't seem to be much of a coincidence.

  • He has to take the blame for his company's recent downturn. If he’s been putting all his time into campaigning while his company is failing, his board of directors can't be too happy with that — or with the public reports that the company could go under as soon as next year.

  • If his own company can’t trust Shady Sheehy to get the job done, then why should Montanans?

Flathead Beacon: Copper King Politicians
July 24, 2024
Mike Jopek

  • All the Republican statewide candidates act like billionaires, self-funding campaigns today or in the recent past. To a worker, it looks like they got bored with living and needed more power heading toward the end of living. 

  • Move over Butte, see you later Anaconda, Bozeman’s Republican millionaires now run rural Montana. I was talking about Greg Gianforte, Steve Daines, Troy Downing, and Tim Sheehy. These men, after hitting the jackpot of life, dumped bucket loads of personal cash seeking to win elections. Sheehy reportedly put in nearly $2.5 million of personal money on his political campaign.

  • Sheehy’s not running things for regular Montanans now, and I’m optimistic dirt-farmer Jon Tester keeps his U.S. Senate seat. Tester is the only local from Montana actually doing anything in Washington, D.C. to make the lives of regular working folks better.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Montana voters are smart enough to see through Sheehy
July 18, 2024
Todd Harps

  • Come on Montana residents, show us your true independent nature and refuse to hire this faux cowboy/rancher sent to us by Mitch McConnell with no actual plan to govern, just a goal to further fan the flame of cultural grievances. 



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