Montana Democrats’ Legislative Listening Tour Prioritizes Hearing from Citizens

Friday, July 19th, 2024



Montana Democrats held open public meetings across the state to generate input to help create next year’s legislative agenda 

Helena, MT – Montana Democrats recently completed a series of well-publicized, open, public meetings in 13 different towns and rural communities across Montana to receive input directly from citizens about how their government can better serve them and help create opportunities for their families and businesses.
“Montanans deserve the chance to meet their legislators face-to-face to discuss issues important to them, their families, and their communities,” said Rep. Mary Caferro, D-Helena. “We’ll take what we heard—about property taxes, the housing crisis, continuing Medicaid expansion, and many other issues—and turn those ideas into constructive legislation to help improve the lives of Montanans.”
“What we heard is that rather than showy gimmicks, Montanans want direct, straight-up ideas that focus on bettering their lives, helping their families, and creating good-paying jobs,” said Senate Democratic Leader Pat Flowers.“Whether it’s tackling skyrocketing property taxes and the housing crisis, protecting personal privacy and reproductive freedom, or finding childcare, Montanans shared their stories and their hope that state government will get back to basics and focus on what’s more important - helping folks create a better life for themselves and their children.”
The Democrats’ listening sessions were held statewide, zigzagging 12,111 miles into Montana’s towns and small communities. Unlike Republican leaders who hold closed-door meetings where constituents must pay to play, Democrats pledged to hold more open public meetings in more Montanacommunities in the months to come with the goal of creating a government that works for and prioritizes Montanans.




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