Tim Sheehy’s Support for National Abortion Ban On Display As Anti-Abortion Group Campaigns for Him in Montana

Thursday, June 20, 2024


SBA Pro-Life America, an anti-abortion group that only endorses candidates that back a national abortion ban, gives Sheehy full support

Helena, MT – New reporting from the Washington Post highlighted Tim Sheehy’s support for a national abortion ban as anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America (SBA) spends big to campaign for him in Montana.

SBA only endorses candidates that back a national abortion ban, “which has led the group to endorse fewer candidates” this cycle, according to the Washington Post. Sheehy is one of only two Senate candidates in competitive races to receive SBA’s endorsement in 2024 because of the group’s stringent abortion ban litmus test. SBA will spend “at least $92 million to reach 10 million voters in eight states this cycle,” including Montana.

Sheehy’s alliance with SBA, who has also opposed federal protections for IVF treatment and birth control, is a warning sign for Montana women: Sheehy will stop at nothing to strip away their freedoms. 

Washington Post: Why an antiabortion group is backing Trump without endorsing him
June 20, 2024
Leigh Ann Caldwell and Theodoric Meyer

  • Dannenfelser pledged last year that SBA would not endorse any candidate who refused to embrace a national 15-week limit on abortion, which has led the group to endorse fewer candidates.

  • SBA has not endorsed Trump, and it has endorsed only two Senate candidates in battleground states, Bernie Moreno in Ohio and Tim Sheehy in Montana. (The group has endorsed three Senate candidates in total this year, down from seven in early June 2022.)

  • SBA plans to spend at least $92 million to reach 10 million voters in eight states this cycle, Dannenfelser said. Its canvassers have already knocked on more than 1.4 million doors. They’ll also reach voters by phone, text, mail and online.

  • Democrats have been highlighting their support for abortion rights ahead of the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on Monday.

  • Women are especially skeptical of abortion restrictions. Just 35 percent of women voters in Arizona and 34 percent in Michigan support a national ban on abortion after 15 weeks, according to a new KFF poll of women voters.

  • SBA’s message that Democrats will revive Roe if they win complete control of Washington in November is strikingly similar to what Democrats are telling voters — and Democrats say it could end up helping them instead. 



Out-of-Stater Navigator: Sheehy’s Extreme Anti-Abortion Endorser Campaigns for Him in Montana


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