WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING: Montana GOP Went From “Having a Coronation to a Street Fight”

Monday, February 12, 2024



Helena, MT – The battle of the out-of-staters between Maryland Matt Rosendale and Transplant Tim Sheehy is going to be brutal. But don’t just take our word for it – read what independent reporting is saying about this nightmare scenario for Republicans: 

Billings Gazette“‘Any time a major party goes from having a coronation to a street fight, that’s good (for Tester),’ said Lee Banville, a political analyst and professor at the University of Montana.”

KTVH: “[Rosendale’s] decision wasn’t a surprise, as he’s hinted for weeks at a potential run, but it brings what had been a behind-the-scenes battle in the Republican primary into the open.”

Associated Press: “Rosendale’s move laid bare deep fissures within the Montana GOP at a time when Republicans can ill afford it.”

HuffPost: “Rosendale’s entry into the race sets the stage for a bitter and expensive primary.”

The Hill“The entry of Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.) into Montana’s Senate race is threatening the party with a bitter and bruising primary ahead of a general election seen as central to its effort to regain control of the upper chamber in November.” 

New York Times“Montana Democrats welcomed Mr. Rosendale’s entry into the race, calling him the ‘greatest nightmare’ for Washington Republicans while offering a preview of their own plans to attack both Republican candidates as out-of-touch out-of-staters.”

CNN“Rosendale’s candidacy also goes against the wishes of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who is supporting Sheehy in a race seen as critical to Republicans’ efforts to flip the chamber.”

NBC“Rep. Matt Rosendale is running for Senate again in Montana, kickstarting a messy fight for the Republican nomination that many party leaders had hoped to avoid.”



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