WHAT MONTANANS ARE SAYING: “Tim Has Trouble With the Truth”

Thursday, July 18, 2024


Tim Sheehy “chose to avoid the financial burden placed on the rest of us Montanans”

Helena, MT – Recent letters to the editor publishing in newspapers across Montana show: Multimillionaire transplant Tim Sheehy is under fire for his conflicts of interest, dodging property taxes, and support for transferring off our public lands. 

Montanans are asking whether multimillionaire Sheehy can truly represent Montana when he “chose to appeal his property appraisal and escape higher taxes,” he “wants to ban abortion nationwide,” has “admitted that he wants to end federal protections for Montana’s public lands,” and “has trouble with the truth.”

Read more below:

Belgrade News: Sheehy and property taxes
July 16, 2024
Barbara Tylka

  • Election years can be divisive, but we can at least agree that Montana's property tax situation is hitting everyone hard. Well, almost everyone; millionaire Tim Sheehy has escaped paying those higher property taxes.

  • One of the richest people in Montana chose to avoid the financial burden placed on the rest of us Montanans. He claims that he will represent ordinary Montanans, yet he chooses to personally avoid the same problems that we face. He is an out-of-touch millionaire who will not have my vote in November.

Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Montana needs the real deal to represent itself
July 12, 2024
Swep Davis

  • When it comes to ranching, I know what the real-deal looks like.

  • I assure you, Timothy Sheehy is not the real-deal as a rancher, despite his claim. I’m doubtful he’s much of a real-deal on anything else either. Being a Montana resident for ten years and owning homes in gated communities doesn’t make him a real-deal at understanding hard working Montanans. Unless you call a fancy family estate and private schools a real-rural upbringing, he’s misrepresented his upbringing.

  • He’s so out of touch with Montanans as to say on radio we should transfer public land to the states and counties. Rather than admit his mistake like a real-deal Montanan he denies he ever said it.

Billings Gazette: We need a proven leader like Tester
July 7, 2024
Dave Chadwick

  • Montanans shouldn’t be fooled by Tim Sheehy’s cowboy hat, his hobby ranch, or his phony rhetoric. Fluffy promises and vague talking points don’t qualify you to serve in the U.S. Senate. It is widely known that Sheehy was hand-picked by the Washington D.C. Republican establishment, and he will vote exactly the way Mitch McConnell tells him to.

  • And Sheehy has even admitted that he wants to end federal protections for Montana’s public lands, closing off our public access so that his big oil friends can get rich.

  • Montana needs a proven leader like Jon Tester who has a clear record of fighting for what’s right and protecting our interests at the national level.

The Western News: Fight for Montana
June 28, 2024 
Betty Kuffel

  • Republican Senate candidate Tim Sheehy is a Montana newcomer masquerading as someone who understands and supports Montanavalues. He doesn’t. 

  • Beware of Sheehy. He wants to ban abortion nationwide. 

  • Sheehy thinks he can waltz into our state and change our way of life. Well, he’s wrong.

Montana Standard: We should all be alarmed when basic reproductive rights are threatened
June 27, 2024 
Cynthia McCulloh

  • As Tim Sheehy campaigns for one of Montana’s two seats in the U.S. Senate against Sen. Jon Tester, Sheehy has been endorsed by a group that urged Republican senators to oppose the Right to Contraceptives Act, and has been silent on the issue after that bill was killed.

  • Protecting access to birth control should be an easy call and proudly endorsed as a fundamental right, supported by an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Belgrade News: Opposition to Sheehy
July 16, 2024
Mark Smith

  • Why did Tim Sheehy abruptly throw in the towel as CEO of Bridger Aerospace? As with his mishap in the Logan Pass parking lot, Tim has trouble with the truth.

  • A trust fund kid from a wealthy Minnesota family, Sheehy lied about bootstrapping his business. Spending recklessly, Sheehy racked up a staggering $77 million in business debt. Bridger Aerospace's stock price has plummeted accordingly, leaving little outlook for recovery. With Sheehy running the business into the ground and creditors pounding on the door, it's no wonder Bridger's Board of Directors opted for regime change.

  • Montana voters don't need to repeat their mistake by hiring Sheehy in November. The choice is compelling: a rich dilettante from out of state or an honest to God dirt farmer from up around the Hi-Line. I'll be casting my vote for that dirt farmer, Jon Tester. He's Montana, through and through.

Flathead Beacon: Hypocrisy in Sheehy’s Stance on Affordable Housing
June 21, 2024
Garrett Epperson

  • As the affordable housing crisis continues to grip Flathead County, it’s crucial to scrutinize the positions of those who claim to offer solutions. U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy presents himself as a champion of private sector solutions to the housing crisis, highlighting his efforts in building workforce housing for his employees. However, a closer look reveals a troubling hypocrisy in his stance.

  • Moreover, Sheehy’s business practices have come under scrutiny. A lawsuit filed in Gallatin County District Court alleges that Sheehy and his brother defrauded former employees out of millions by forcing them to accept undervalued buyouts for their shares (MontanaDemocratic Party). This raises further doubts about his commitment to ethical business practices and genuine support for workers and affordable housing initiatives.

  • Let’s demand honesty and integrity from our leaders. It’s time to hold Tim Sheehy accountable for his contradictory positions and ensure that our community’s needs are met with genuine and effective solutions.



NEW: Tim Sheehy “Says He Put Employees First—As Former Workers Sue”


ICYMI: Gianforte is Ignoring the Montana Constitution