Status Sheet Nears $4 Billion: Republican Spending Spree Barrels Out of Control

Thursday, March 30th, 2023



Helena, MT – Legislative Republicans have racked up a remarkable $3.7 billion dollars on the status sheet – the running cost of legislative spending bills. The $3.7 billion represents proposed spending outside of HB 2, the state's main budget bill. This spending spree is powered largely by handouts that overwhelmingly benefit the well-connected, the top 1%, the second home owners, and the non-resident private landowners.
Less than a month ago, Montana Democrats criticized legislative Republicans for their then-notable $2.6 billion dollar status sheet. In less than 30 days, the out-of-control legislative Republicans have made spending $2.6 billion look almost frugal by comparison.
“Montana Republicans have got to take a long look in the mirror– this is stunningly irresponsible,” says Montana Democratic Party Chair Robyn Driscoll. “Instead of fighting to put the state in a strong fiscal position for future generations of Montanans, Republicans are blowing billions of dollars on legislation that benefits the wealthy and well-connected. This $4 billion will deliver no permanent or long-term relief to working Montana families.” 




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