Senator Daines Votes Against Larger Relief Checks, More Vaccines, and Supporting Small Businesses in COVID-19 Relief Bill

Montanans Deserve to Know: How Long Until Daines Claims Otherwise?


Helena, MT — Senator Steve Daines today voted no on the latest coronavirus relief package, placing partisan politics ahead of protecting Montana families. 


The relief package will create a national vaccination program so we can reopen our economy, fully reopen schools, support our small businesses, and provide $1,400 relief checks to Montanans — a bipartisan proposal even advocated for by former President Donald Trump. Despite the relief proposal garnering overwhelming bipartisan public support, including 59% of Republican voters, Senator Daines sided with Mitch McConnell and his Washington D.C party bosses against helping Montana families and against the relief checks advocated for by Trump.


“Steve Daines voted against reopening our economy, fully reopening our schools, and providing direct relief to Montanans who need it most,” said Sandi Luckey, Montana Democratic Party Executive Director. “It should come as no surprise when Senator Daines starts to claim credit for the critical relief he opposed. The only question now is how long until he does?”




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