Breaking From NYT: Montana FWP Warden Pressured to Lie After Gianforte Killed a Wolf

Monday, June 3, 2024


Helena, MT – Breaking news from the New York Times, which is reporting on the attempted coverup from Governor Greg Gianforte after he shot and killed a wolf while it was caught in a foothold trap in 2021. 

The Times recently interviewed two former Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks law enforcement officers who spoke on the record about the incident:

“[Former FWP Warden Justin Hawkaluk’s] superiors had pressured him to lie about the governor’s role, and his boss would be forced out of the department, he told The New York Times in his first interview about the episode,” the Times reports. “[Former FWP Law Enforcement Chief Dave Loewen] was told by the leaders of the department that Mr. Gianforte’s friend, an outspoken trapper named Matt Lumley, should be credited with the kill, Mr. Loewen said. …. The problem: Mr. Gianforte’s name was already in the database as the trapper of record.” 

Ultimately, Gianforte was issued a warning for not having the proper coursework required for trapping.

“This reporting confirms what we already know about Gianforte – he has no problem throwing law enforcement under the bus to duck the consequences of not complying with the standards of legal, fair chase hunting in our state,” said Executive Director of the Montana Democratic Party, Sheila Hogan. 

The Times report also notes the questionable timeline of Governor Gianforte’s hunt. State law requires trappers to check their traps at least every 48 hours to prevent needless suffering.

“Wolf experts doubt the governor could have set the trap and then made the 177-mile trip to shoot the wolf quickly enough to satisfy regulations designed to minimize suffering.”

“Add unethical, wannabe, lying sportsman to Gianforte’s failed legacy as governor,” Hogan added.



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