MDP’s Statement on COPP’s Response to AG Primary Candidate Complaint

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Hogan: “[Montana’s] Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Austin Knudsen, confessed to breaking the law and now he needs to return any illegal, excess donations”

Helena, MT – Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan released the following video statement after the Commissioner of Political Practices concluded that the primary opponent recruited by Attorney General Austin Knudsen, Logan Olson, did not meet the qualifications to run for Attorney General:

“Determining Logan Olson was ineligible to run for Attorney General is the first step. The Chief Law Enforcement Officer, Austin Knudsen, confessed to breaking the law and now he needs to return any illegal, excess donations. We hope the Commissioner of Political Practices will echo our call.” 


The decision from COPP comes after MDP’s Sheila Hogan filed complaintsagainst both Olson and Knudsen.

Attorney General Austin Knudsen told a crowd at a Dillon fundraiser in May that he recruited Olson to be his primary opponent in order to raise more money, calling Montana’s campaign finance laws “ridiculous”. Hogan filed complaints laying out the reasons Olson is not qualified to run for Attorney General under Montana law.

Hogan also filed a complaint against Knudsen arguing the Attorney General intentionally violated campaign finance laws and that he confessed to doing so in front of a crowd of donors.

COPP will review Hogan’s complaint against Knudsen next.



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