Zinke Among Most Corrupt Candidates Running in 2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024



Grassroots campaign finance reform organization names Zinke among one of Washington’s most corrupt politicians running for reelection in 2024

Helena, MT – This week, Representative Ryan Zinke was named one of the most corrupt politicians running for reelection by the grassroots campaign finance reform organization End Citizens United. Zinke was inducted into Washington’s most corrupt after years of putting corporate special-interest groups and mega-donors ahead of hardworking Montanans. 

His tenure as Interior Secretary was plagued with allegations of corruption, with 18 federal investigations of using taxpayer dollars for lavish expenses and personal gain. During his time in office, Zinke was caught red-handed pushing the sale of public lands and voting for slashing regulations for fossil companies in return for campaign donations.

“Congressman Ryan Zinke is the epitome of a corrupt swamp-dwelling politician,” said Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan. “Zinke has created a legacy of unethical leadership through his years of blatant corruption, unabashed self-promotion, and fighting for special interest groups over hardworking Montanans. Zinke is a worthy recipient of ‘Washington’s Most Corrupt’ award.” 



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