Sheehy and Rosendale Oppose “Once-In-A-Generation” Bipartisan Border Security Deal

Monday, February 5, 2024


As Montanans seek a border security solution, Sheehy and Rosendale attack the bipartisan proposal

Helena, MT – After taking their marching orders from DC insiders, Tim Sheehyand Matt Rosendale announced they OPPOSE the bipartisan plan to secure the border, dubbed a “once-in-a-generation” deal by Republican Senator James Lankford and backed by the Border Patrol union.

“Sheehy and Rosendale’s opposition to border security demonstrates their failure to fight for Montanans who want to see Congress come together to find solutions to an overwhelmed border and escalating fentanyl crisis. Montanans are counting on their elected officials to put aside politics and deliver a solution to secure the border, not play games with a life-and-death issue to score political points,” said Hannah Rehm, senior communications advisor for the Montana Democratic Party.

Montanans won’t forget that in a moment when Sheehy and Rosendale could have supported a bipartisan solution to crack down on fentanyl and secure the border, they chose political games instead. 



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