Montana Democrats’ Statement on Daines’ Vote to Gut Medicare, Explode Deficit

Helena – Today, Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Nancy Keenan released the following statement on Senator Steve Daines’ vote to cut almost $500 billion from Medicare and increase the budget deficit by $1.5 trillion:

“Last night, Steve Daines voted to cut $470 billion from Medicare, threatening health care that Montanans have worked their entire lives to earn and paving the way for a tax proposal that will cut taxes for multimillionaires like him.

“It is beyond comprehension why Daines wants to give the ultra-wealthy more handouts at the expense of the health of his constituents. But after 10 months of gridlock in a Congress controlled entirely by his Party bosses, it’s clear that Daines is desperate for anything he can call a legislative achievement. It’s simply despicable he’s willing to sell out thousands of older Montanans to get it.”



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