MDP Statement on Tim Sheehy’s Latest Lie About His Military Service

Thursday, August 29, 2024



NEW: Tim Sheehy Lies About His Military Service – Again


Bozeman, MT – Today, the Montana Democratic Party’s executive director, Sheila Hogan, released the following statement regarding Tim Sheehy’s latest lie about his military service:

“Tim Sheehy has consistently been dishonest with Montanans about who he is and what he believes, and today’s lie is just the latest reason Sheehy is disqualified from holding public office. First, Sheehy lied about the self-inflicted gunshot wound he reportedly received in Glacier National Park. Now, he’s lying again about his military record – falsely claiming that he parachuted into Glacier National Park as part of his military training, despite the National Park Service and the U.S. Navy disputing his account. 

“Montanans can’t trust a word that Tim Sheehy says. He’s lied about key details about his life and upbringing, what he believes in, and who he is. Tim Sheehy is a liar who will not be elected this November.”

This is not the first time Sheehy has lied about or exaggerated his combat record. Over a series of investigations the Washington Post revealed that Sheehy lied about how he received his gunshot wound, “offered inconsistent accounts of his war wounds,” and “offers varying accounts of how he was shot” - leading  reporters to conclude “Sheehy bullet story doesn't add up.” Additional reporting revealed Sheehy has given inconsistent explanations about his departure from the military – at times saying he was medically discharged for combat injuries, and other times saying he left voluntarily after a training incident.

Washington Post: 
Sheehy apologized and asked for leniency after alleged 2015 gun incident; Daily Montanan: National parks, military dispute Sheehy’s claim that he parachuted into Glacier; Daily Beast: Senate Candidate Tells Different Story of Navy Discharge Than His Book Does; Washington Post: GOP Senate candidate in Montana builds campaign on once-secret Navy exploits; MSNBC: Veterans group slams GOP’s Tim Sheehy on evolving gunshot story; MontanaStandard: More details emerge in Sheehy gunshot wound debacle; MontanaPublic Radio: Sheehy says he lied about the origin of a bullet wound in his arm; Business Insider: A top Republican Senate candidate's story about accidentally shooting himself just got weirder



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NEW: Tim Sheehy Lies About His Military Service — Again