MDP Statement on Tim Sheehy Wanting Abortion “All To End Tomorrow”

Thursday, September 5, 2024



Helena, MT – Today, President & CEO of Planned Parenthood Alexis McGill Johnson will be campaigning in Montana in support of Sen. Jon Tester. In light of Tim Sheehy saying he wants abortion “all to end tomorrow,” the Montana Democratic Party’s executive director, Sheila Hogan, released the following statement:

“In Montana, we value our freedoms, and that means having the freedom to make our own health care decisions. Transplant Tim Sheehy wants the government to make these decisions for us. 

“It is no surprise that Tim Sheehy wants abortion ‘all to end tomorrow.’ His extreme rhetoric aligns with his extreme beliefs: He wants to ban abortion nationwide and he opposes the ballot measure to protect Montanans’ reproductive freedoms. 

“Tim Sheehy wants to take away our freedoms. This November, Montana women will reject him and his extreme position at the ballot box.” 

In addition to saying “I think it’s sinful. I think it’s terrible. I think it’s a repulsive thing to do,” while discussing abortion, Sheehy also opposes CI-128, the ballot measure to protect Montanans’ reproductive freedoms, he wants to ban abortion nationwide, he has refused to support federal protections for IVF treatment and birth control, and he’s called abortion “murder.”




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