LTE: Transplant Tim Sheehy is “Pretending to be Something He Isn’t”

Friday, March 8, 2024


“Out-of-state millionaires have done nothing but erode our values and distort our culture.”

Helena, MT – Montanans know Transplant Tim Sheehy is a carpetbagger, and they don’t like it. As a Montanan pointed out in a new letter to the editor, Sheehy’s “identity is built on falsehoods.”

From hiding the fact that he accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from his family to start his business, to claiming to be a “cowboy” despite not being involved with the day-to-day operations of the ranch land he recently purchased, Sheehy has consistently lied to Montanans about who he is.

Read more below:

Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Letter to the editor: Enough with out-of-state millionaires in Montana politics
March 5, 2024
Rod Beland

  • I know we can’t stop growth, and much of it is beneficial. But this growth also is bringing out-of-state millionaires who undermine the values and culture of Montana.

  • We’re a people who contend with a harsh environment and engage in demanding businesses from farming to ranching to forestry. We enjoy amazing beauty. We’ve learned, from necessity, to help each other, to share this amazing land.

  • All of this is lost on wealthy folks who transplant to Montana. They bring money but they don’t bring our values with them. They hide in expensive gated resorts; they buy up ranches and close them from hunting by neighbors.

  • Even this I could tolerate, up to a point. But, I can’t tolerate them coming in thinking they can buy their way into our elected offices and impose their non-Montana values on the rest of us.

  • We’ve seen it with Gianforte (“Mister Property Tax”), Daines (“Mister Sell Off Our Pubic Lands”) and now with Timothy Sheehy (“Mister Pretend Rancher buying a Senate seat”).

  • Sheehy might be the worst of the lot since his identity is built on falsehoods. He says he’s a self-made millionaire, but in fact used his family’s wealth to start his business.

  • He says he’s a cattle rancher but has no hand in his ranch operations other than to use it for photo shoots to promote fashionable cowboy hats and jackets and his Senate campaign.

  • Out-of-state millionaires have done nothing but erode our values and distort our culture. We don’t need another one pretending to be something he isn’t.

  • We don’t need Sheehy in the Senate when we already have one of the best Senators in our history in the form of Jon Tester.



Another Bleak Week for Gianforte


Transplant Tim Sheehy’s Ranching Claims Are Getting Torched in Montana