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Fundraiser for Rep. Sharon Stewart-Peregoy in Helena!

  • Ten Mile Brewery, Helena MT (map)

Please join Steve Bullock, Mike Cooney, Kim Abbott, Jason Smith, Carla Lott, Raph Graybill, and Neal Ullman in supporting Rep. Sharon Stewart-Peregoy’s bid for re-election to the Montana House of Representatives!

In a recent e-mail, Sharon noted, "Republicans fought tooth and nail to make it harder for indigenous Montanans to vote. They eliminated same day voter registration, and failed to establish satellite election offices on our reservations. Now Montana Republicans are trying to defeat us in November and eliminate the voices of thousands of native people in Helena.”

Sharon serves as a strong voice not only for the people she represents but for all Indigenous people of Montana and those of us who understand the need for our voices to be heard at the ballot box. Her presence is critical should a Republican supermajority attack Montana’s Constitutional rights to privacy, and a clean and healthful environment. Sharon needs our support to keep fighting for the rights and dignity of Indigenous Montanans.

Can’t join us? Please donate to Sharon via ActBlue! She needs our support to reach voters across her district about the importance of her election!

Please contact Neal Ullman with any questions about this event at or 406-431-0171.

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Yellowstone County Democrats Annual BBQ

September 18

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